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  • Dramatic events are occurring right now.

  • With your participation we can provide rapid relief.

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Your can donate, become a registered supporter or just shop at one of our sponsors,  they will convert your purchase into a donation to us. We need you now!

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  • donations

    Your donation, of any size, will be transformed in less than 72 hours in tangible help for humanitarian operations.

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It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.

Mother Teresa

CFC  foundation

CFC stands for  Cooperative Financing Council. Established in 2009 as a private foundation, the CFC Foundation is a coordination hub for the charitable actions of diverse corporations around the world. Projects for humanitarian relief, social assistance and development aid are carried out every year thanks to the charitable contributions of all corporate members of the Council and the kind contributions of private individuals and companies from around the world . We have all something in common:  We Want to Help!

Urgency and Needs

CFC Foundation is at this very moment involved in 36 projects worldwide. These include disaster assistance and relief as well as development aid. All teams and sections act under the coordination of the Council and the General Assembly.

We need all the help we can get because we provide as much assistance as we can fund. All our staff is composed by volunteers and our senior staff is composed by specialized professionals dedicating their years of retirement to this noble cause. 92% of all donations are dedicated to aid and assistance, most administrative and non-operational costs are covered by sponsor companies.


  • We started our South and Central America Projects on Jun 19, 2009.
  • Our Asia Projects started on January 21, 2012.
  • On September 15, 2015 our Africa Projects also started.
  • By December 2020 we have delivered 875 tons of humanitarian help worldwide.
  • By January 2021 we have completed 789 relief missions and 81 development aid projects.


  • CFC Foundation:
          Founded in 2009. REC 34841 DOC 1558834
  • PoC N.America:
          123 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10160, US
  • PoC EU:
          Rua Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco 25, 7670-286 Ourique PT
          Gaios s/n Tui-Areas 36711 ES
          Kemp House, 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, UK
  • Int Coord:
          Ed. Ana Victoria, C. M. Martin, Chitre, PA
  • idonate (at)
  • fundraisers (at)
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